Sarapiqui is a little piece about Costa Rica paradise.
Sarapiquí takes part of the largest portion of the province of Heredia. It covers 85% of the total land area. Sarapiquí is known throughout Costa Rica for its amazing and rich biodiversity as well as for being the dream destination of adventurous seekers.
Sarapiquí is also home to several Nature Reserves and National Parks including the Braulio Carrillo National Park and the Protected Area of Sarapiquí.
It is a green region, splendid and famous for its “turns” or outdoor festivals that include fairs, rodeos and shows of livestock and livestock. Sarapiquí is a sector of the country that is mainly a farmer and a region of high banana production in Costa Rica. However, coffee, cardamom, cocoa, corn and other fruits are also grown. The land in Sarapiquí is very fertile mainly because the Sarapiquí River flows through this region irrigating the entire area and also the climate is temperate and moderate throughout the year.
The vegetation is that of a forest “always green”, of great density and floristic complexity. It presents variations as environmental conditions vary, topography, drainage, temperature, cloudiness and precipitation.
The highest and richest forests in species are found in the lower parts, in the highest and broken parts the trees are lower and deformed and the total number of species is smaller. Most of the park is covered by a primary forest, in which there are some 6,000 species of plants that represent half of the total species of the whole country. The manú, mahogany, oak, caobilla and sparrowhawk are abundant. In the high parts the flora is characteristic of the cloud forest, being known species like the cypress, the candelillo, the white oak and the cedrillo.
Attractions near the farm
• Poas Volcano National Park: 21.9 km
• La Selva Biological Station (OTS) 20.5 km
• Barra del Colorado National Wildlife Refuge: 42.5 km
• Nature Pavilion Costa Rica Wildlife Park: 4.9 km
• Church of San Agustín: 21.1 km
• Braulio Carrillo National Park: 24.3 km
• Mini Zoo and Yori Garden: 36.9 km
• Plaza de Aguas Zarcas: 40.6 km
• Church of Aguas Zarcas: 40.7 km
• Quebrada Grande Biological Reserve: 38.4 km
• Gardens of the Water Falls: 33.5 km
• Serpentarium Snake Garden 6.2 km
Contact Us:
Call To: (506) 8346-4885
(506) 2761-1545
*Information of crops: